Plant Care


Give your succulent at least a half day of sunlight, daily,  and be sure to turn so all sides get light.

Water when soil becomes dry and somewhat firm to the touch (About once every one to two weeks in Spring/Summer, depending on the temperature.  About once every three to four weeks in Fall/Winter. Bring indoors for winter). When watering, cover soil with water.  Do not overwater, when in doubt, do not water.

Water soil directly, do not mist the plant.

When you need to repot or cactus soil, use a pot that drains or create drainage with stones.

You can wipe away dust from your plant with a damp cloth.

Keep the soil fairly dry and remove any dead leaves etc. to avpid pests.

Fertilize once per year, summer is the best time.

Air Plants

No soil required.

DO NOT PUT IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT.  Place plant in indirect sunlight only. Direct sunlight can cause scorching.

Mist your air plant weekly using bottles, spring or rain water. Tap water may be used if it is allowed to sit out for 24-48 hours prior to using.

Dunk your plant for 20-30 minutes using the same water above. Shake off any excess water and place plant upside down to dry before you put it back where it belongs.